for Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 200
X / XP  


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You have produced the software that the whole world has been waiting for. You now want the whole world to use it but only if they have paid you for it. Whatever your distribution method, you need to protect your software from illegal copying.

Dongles use to be very safe compared to most software protection systems, but dongles are very expensive (up to $100 per key), which makes it unsuitable for a low or medium cost product. The port in which they are installed is blocked sometimes, which can be a real trouble. The protection won't work, for example, if the port is not properly configured.

The traditional "key-disks" is made by formating some special tracks or sectors on the floppy disk. It provides protection at very low cost, but it can be beaten by the "bit copy" programs.

DISKLOCK, the new technical key-disks, is produced by a new technology on the floppy disk. The "bit copy" programs can not beat it, and another point is that no one will be able to generate same key-disks, since when we make a key-point in the disk, we must use a secret code. Not even us can make the same key-disks without the code. So it has ultra secure as dongles.

The Disklock is ultra secure, very low cost and easy way of protecting your software. It can instantly protect from piracy your Win32, Win16 & DOS Standard applications made in Visual C++, Visual Basic, or any other programming environment that supports DLL. It can Works with Windows 2003XP, 2000, NT, ME, Windows 98, 95, and DOS.



Taishan Xiangyu Computer Technology Studio
Taishan Medical College
No.2, Yingsheng East Street , Taian
Shandong Province, China
Postcode: 271000
Fax 86-538-6222485
Zhang Yu Fei
